Instant ROI with the next-generation OE750 OES analyzer

Fluctuations in the price of raw material, uncertainty in the quality of scrap, and tightening of materials and product specifications all affect profitability. Yet, these are everyday realities for those working in the metals industry.

With so many factors already affecting the profit margins of foundries, metals processing and recycling facilities, we knew that we’d have to design the OE750 to deliver a return on investment in the shortest time possible. The result is an instrument that delivers best-in-class performance and costs relatively little to run.

This is how the OE750 helps you to boost profitability:


1. Lowers operating costs
We’ve increased the wall-plug efficiency with the design of a unique mid-pressure system with low-pressure argon purge. This reduces the power consumption of the pump by 90%. An innovative spark generator design and smart power management ensures that overall, the OE750 uses less than half the energy of previous models.

The analyzer also uses 10% less argon than its predecessor. This is again due to the design – a reduced volume housing the optics and a better laminar gas flow around the spark mean more efficient argon use. 

2. Increases throughput
In an environment where production is running round the clock, and furnaces are never switched off, the more you can get through production per day, the more profitable you will be. The OE750 is designed to support high-throughput analysis with fast start-up times that reduce the amount of time waiting for the system to purge. For the majority of analyses, the OE750 will be ready for operation within an hour.[1]

However, perhaps the biggest benefit to throughput is the reduction in maintenance needed. The sealed spark stand reduces the likelihood of contamination, meaning it only needs cleaning every few thousand measurements and standardisation intervals are typically weeks[2].

3. Reduces scrap and rework
One of the biggest drains on profitability is the supply chain. To purchase raw or scrap material, and then have it sitting in the warehouse or scrapped because you can’t verify its composition eats into your working capital. And if you have used a material with an unacceptable level of impurity because you couldn’t test for it, then replacing a part or even compensating a customer, is costly and potentially harmful to your reputation.

Ultimately, the OE750 prevents these issues by ensuring that you can verify the material you have in stock to the lowest limits of tramp and trace elements. For example, you can test for zinc in used automotive parts to below 1ppm. And you can check for Boron in carbon steel to below 10ppm. In fact, the OE750 can test the entire spectrum of elements within metals down to below 10ppm in most cases. This gives you the ability to meet stringent specifications, getting them right first time, and if you’re currently using a third party testing house, it cuts those costs too.

4. Makes the most of your current resources
The OE750 has been designed to be easy-to-use by anyone with just a little training. This means that you don’t have to recruit experts to operate the analyser. Simply use the intuitive software interface to select the right programme.

And speaking of software, you can choose the Automatic Charge Correction module. This software automatically calculates the right amount of material to add to a melt to bring it into spec. It considers your available source material and furnace capacity when making the calculation, ensuring it’s finding the most cost-effective way of correcting the melt.

[1] Nitrogen and lower wavelengths may need a longer flush period.

[2] These values depend on usage.


The OE750 analyzer from Hitachi High-Tech delivers best-in-class performance in a single, affordable package, making ppm level of analysis achievable for foundries, metals processing facilities and recycling facilities alike. To find out more about how the OE750 can bring affordable analysis to your facility, get in touch to arrange a demo.

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Date: 2 December 2019

Author: Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science

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