GRADE Database

The most comprehensive metals database

FREE 60 day trial

Missing grades? Find them in a few easy steps

The largest metals database for fast and easy grade identification is already installed on all our optical emission spectrometers and optional on the X-MET8000 handheld XRF series.

The GRADE Database offers more than 15 million records for over 350,000 materials from 74 countries and standards. Update your instrument’s grade database with a few clicks, no time-consuming research in norms and grade catalogues.

Download the brochure

With a few easy steps you can

|   find equivalents to foreign metals and compare alternatives side by side or cross reference,

|   search for metals worldwide by specific chemical composition or mechanical properties,

|   decipher metal specifications and find the correct grade for a specific application,

|   find precise traceable and reliable mechanical, physical and other property data for various conditions and temperatures,

|   follow the ever increasing pace of changes to national and international standards (such as AISI/ASTM, DIN, EN, BS, JIS, GOST and many more).

GRADE Database user interface
FREE 60 day trial

Want to learn more about understanding metal standards?


Read our blog "A more efficient way to understand worldwide metal standards" to understand the importance of having a comprehensive grade reference database.

Read the blog