The importance of preventative maintenance

Business is tough right now and reducing risk and maximizing operational efficiency is top of the agenda. We want to help our customers achieve the greatest return on their Hitachi equipment investment. And just as with other investments, such as a house or car, routine maintenance plays a critical role in maintaining and maximizing the value of those assets.

At Hitachi High-Tech, we build our analysis equipment to last in the toughest of environments. We also work with our customers to keep our machines running at peak performance. For many that means servicing and maintaining your equipment annually.

Why preventative maintenance?

Preventative maintenance serves as a routine checkup for your instrument to keep your machine running at its best. By routinely servicing your analyzer, you can ensure your instrument is up to the job and reduce the risk of downtime or productivity losses in the field.

The preventative maintenance offered by Hitachi can help you avoid costs due to downtime, repairs, calibrations, and other unplanned expenses.

Benefits of an annual maintenance check:

Our team of dedicated service engineers perform annual maintenance on Hitachi  instruments and are experts in their field. Radiation safety checks on our instruments are only carried out by qualified engineers to ensure safety of the machine’s operators.

Backing up your instrument is another important piece of the annual check, which helps to create a copy of the data stored on your analyzer. After backing up your instrument, our engineers can also assist with information on our latest software updates to make sure you’re benefitting from the most up-to-date versions.

During your check up, our team will also help you re-standardize your instruments for accuracy, and you have the option to add new standards or calibrations as well.

Have new employees joined your organization or has there been a change in operators? We also offer additional training for new employees as an add-on service so that things continue to run smoothly during the day-to-day operations, even after your PM.

Preventative Maintenance Is the Smart Choice

Just as you would with a car, it’s important to schedule regular maintenance for your valuable site equipment. Our service team is here to support your business, so that we can keep you running.

Is your equipment due for service? Contact your local customer support team today to arrange your visit.

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Date: 22 October 2020

Author: Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science

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