Fast and accurate PMI analysis – No more excuses

Ensuring that safety critical components are working properly, and remain capable of performing their function, has been the biggest driver of PMI in the last decade. Petrochemical and power plant operators need to balance the need to comprehensively and accurately analyse the components that make up their systems, while minimising downtime and unscheduled disruption. 

Not carrying out 100% PMI is simply not an option as it has become a mandatory requirement in many industrial sectors. Industries like aerospace have voluntarily adopted PMI standards as a way to guarantee component quality. The average penalty handed out by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for inspection violations is $166,000, so the price of not completing a PMI inspection programme is high even without the increased risk of catastrophic failure.

But what makes PMI such an important safety tool for process plant operators? The ability to mix speed with reliability.


Fast start up 

PMI technology is cutting-edge, with portable and handheld OES, XRF and LIBS analysers able to provide laboratory grade measurements out in the field. This allows operators to analyse components both in the field or in plants, and make quick decisions based on real time information. This portability would not mean a whole lot though, if it took an age for the device to start.

The Hitachi High-Tech OES, XRF and LIBS analysers have some of the fastest start up times on the market, meaning that inspection doesn’t have to be the huge disruption it used to be. The X-MET8000 and Vulcan are ready to use immediately. The PMI-MASTER series works without the need for a heating system, so our start up time, if you want to measure all important elements including carbon, is just minutes.

If the inspection requires OES analysis in a sensitive area, such as a gas or oil refinery, the plant will still need to be shut down in order to prevent the risk of explosions. This means that inspectors will have a limited amount of time, usually up to two hours, to perform a large number of measurements. Wasting precious time waiting for an analyser to start up and be ready to operate is simply not an option.

Fast results

Having a fast start up time is great, but the benefit would be pointless if the measurement and analysis process itself was slow.

Our Vulcan LIBS analyser delivers results in a second, and X-MET can deliver results from 2 seconds. Depending on what you are measuring, you’ll want to adjust timings accordingly. Our PMI-Master Smart delivers a precise measurement, including carbon results in 12 seconds.

So when time is limited, we help you maximise your efficiency.


When you’re making decisions where the consequences range from dangerous to downright catastrophic, being sure that your device will deliver correct results first time, every time is crucial.

Traceability is one aspect of this reliability. Having a range of empirical calibrations means that you can always have faith in the data that you collect, while the sensitivity at low levels of detection means you can be sure you haven’t missed anything.

The second aspect of reliability comes down to design. The Hitachi High-Tech range of PMI instruments all have a battery life of between eight and twelve hours. When you add this to a robust design that can follow operators into the most challenging of environments, you get a range of instruments that can be trusted to work in the way you need them to, everywhere you need them.

The Hitachi High-Tech PMI toolbox

Hitachi High-Tech has over 40 years’ experience in providing analyser technology to companies. This has meant that we have grown and evolved our offering in line with the changing needs of our clients. As the only company to offer a range of analysers across OES, XRF and LIBS technologies, we have the right instrument for you, whatever your needs as part of our toolbox.

The Hitachi range of PMI analysers are designed to add value to industrial operations. Fast start up and measurement times mean that inspection doesn’t have to be time-intensive, while reliability means that you can be confident that you are always making decisions based on the best information.

Hitachi High-Tech are the only company that can offer a complete range of PMI solutions. Contact us today to book a demo or talk about any aspect of PMI inspection. 


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Date: 8 August 2018

Author: Wilhelm Sanders, Product Manager OES

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