Webinar: A new method for fast and reliable material identification using mobile OES in existing steel structures

Wednesday 26 April, 10 am CET / 2 pm IST / 4 pm SGT & 4 pm CET / 10 am EST

Responsible consumption and production is a key global goal for sustainable developments. This comes into play when determining if existing structures, for example steel bridges, can be kept in service beyond their intended lifetime. From an engineering point of view, we have the knowledge to recalculate the stability and endurance of such structures to allow for safe operation under today’s loads. However, advanced knowledge of material properties and their change over time is often not known but is a necessary part to know when it comes to the recalculation and planning of rehabilitation measures.

Against this background, IWT-Solutions has developed the Old Steel Identification Scheme (AIM©) which is based on in-depth expert knowledge and is combined with mobile OES measurement. Specifically, the Hitachi PMI-MASTER Smart in combination with the UVTouch probe has been successfully used in this approach. The method has been validated on steel from 1870 to 1930 so far but also looks promising for the use for steels produced today.

In this webinar the expert Professor Langenberg, the CEO of IWT-Solutions, will show how the method works and what is necessary to apply it in construction and reflects on the advantages and future developments that result from the status achieved today. 

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Peter Langenberg

Scientific Career

  • Dipl.-Ing. Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, RWTH Aachen, 1989
  • Promotion (PHD) 1995 RWTH Aachen, “Application of fracture mechanics for steel structures”
  • Professor at University of Duisburg Essen, Department of engineering – steel construction

Professional carreer

  • Founder IWT-Ingenieurbuero 1997
  • Founder IWT-projects Ltd 2008, (closed 2021 because of Brexit)
  • Founder IWT-Solutions AG 2015
  • Today
    • CEO IWT-Solutions AG and
    • Expert for damage, fracture, forensics for steel, casting and welding
    • Lecturer at University Duisburg Essen,University Dortmund and University RWTH Aachen for steel technology and fracture mechanics for Master Students

Standardization work

  • Convener CENT TC 54/TC 267 WG 52 Materials, Joint Working Group, EN 13445-2 und EN 13480-2
  • Convener CENTC 459/SC7, pressure vessel steels, EN 10028
  • Convener CENTC 459/SC3, Structural steels, EN 10025