Case Study: Bearings excellence and quality assurance at Kugellager-Express

Rolling bearings are the unsung heroes of the industrial and technological world, silently powering the machinery that drives our modern lives. The quality of these components is of utmost importance, as they play a pivotal role in ensuring precision and durability across various applications.

Every bearing that passes through Kugellager-Express undergoes meticulous scrutiny to meet the highest quality standards. Holding certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001, the company is committed to maintaining excellence at every step of their process. 

But what happens when the line between stainless steel and bearing steel blurs? When it comes to corrosion resistance, precision matters. Kugellager-Express delivers rolling bearings crafted from both types of steel, and distinguishing between them is crucial. Traditionally, a laborious water bath immersion test was used to assess corrosion resistance. However, this time-consuming method, along with concerns about magnetic properties, led to the quest for a better solution. 

Enter X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. Kugellager-Express embraced this cutting-edge technology with the introduction of a handheld XRF device, the X-MET8000.

This device, championed by Daniel Dust, the Technical Director, brought swift and precise analysis of chemical composition without any damage to the products: "Using the X-MET8000, we can now examine the correct material of a significantly larger number of items compared to before, greatly enhancing product safety, which is invaluable."

Read the case study here

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Date: 27 September 2023

Author: Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science

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