X-MET8000 Series for high temperature applications

Positive Material Identification (PMI) inspection sometimes requires the testing of in-service components that are at high temperatures, such as pipes, reaction vessels, etc. Not only do the environmental conditions present a challenge for both the user and the instrumentation, the alloys tested also often contain elements at trace levels (e.g. Si, Mn, Cr, Cu).

This means that the test equipment used for alloy verification must be fast, rugged and provide the best level of performance even in these harsh conditions.

Recent developments in handheld X-ray fluorescence (HHXRF)spectrometry have enabled us to meet some of these challenges.

You can find out more and download our application note below:

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Date: 28 September 2018

Author: Christelle Petiot, Product Manager, Handheld XRF

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