Hitachi High-Tech is the smart choice you can rely on. When compromise isn’t an option, our toolkit of analyzers work twice as hard together.

For a limited time only, we're offering significant savings for U.S. customers on the following bundle packages:

1. PMI-MASTER Smart and Vulcan+ Smart

2. PMI-MASTER Pro2 and Vulcan+ Smart

3. FOUNDRY-MASTER Pro2 and Vulcan+ Smart

4. X-MET8000 and Vulcan+

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The PMI-MASTER Smart is an analyzer you can believe in. Why? Because it provides low levels of detection for not just carbon but also phosphorus, sulphur, boron, arsenic and tin in low alloy and stainless steel. With a fast start up time, it significantly minimizes the amount of downtime involved in inspection. You’ll get increased efficiency with accuracy.
Available in Package 1

Order the Smart Bundles today


The PMI-MASTER Pro2 gives you ultimate metals analysis on the go. If you’re trying to prevent grade mix-ups of incoming and outgoing materials, conduct material verification or manage quality control, we’ll give you the confidence that you’re getting the analytical performance you need to make the right decisions.

Available in Package 2

Order the Smart Bundles today


Delivers superior analysis at every stage, without compromising on productivity. Thanks to its near constant availability and high-resolution dynamic detector you can get detailed results quicker, minimizing production downtime and costly errors. A cost-effective solution, the FOUNDRY-MASTER Pro2 minimizes argon consumption and keeps down operating costs.

Available in Package 3

Order the Smart Bundles today

Vulcan+ Range 

One of the fastest laser analyzers in the world, you’ll have significantly less hassle with licenses and approvals than XRF. Great for rapid verification of incoming material, controlling warehouse inventories and factory floor quality control. You can identify and sort a wide range of alloys including stainless steels, low alloy steels, nickel and aluminium alloys.

Available in Package 1, 2, 3, 4

Order the Smart Bundles today

X-MET8000 Range

The X-MET8000 range of handheld XRF analyzers, trusted by thousands of companies around the world, deliver the performance needed for rapid alloy grade identification and accurate chemistry. Great for light elements (Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl) analysis, low limits of detection, and outstanding precision. 

Available in Package 3 and 4

Order the Smart Bundles today

Package upgrades

You’re able to upgrade your Vulcan+ or X-MET8000 Smart to:

  • Vulcan+ Smart calibration upgrade
  • Vulcan+ Expert
  • X-MET8000 Optimum Alloy (40kV)
  • X-MET8000 Expert Alloy package
  • Complete calibration package for X-MET and Vulcan


Make the right choice with Hitachi’s Smarter Together bundles

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